Profitability in Roofing Operations Mastering the Art of Estimation and Project Transition

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Originally Aired - Thursday, February 8 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM

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Location: N234

Event Information

Title: Profitability in Roofing Operations Mastering the Art of Estimation and Project Transition


Several factors could be contributing to your operations falling short of profit expectations, and one key area to examine is the start of your revenue cycle: the estimation process for both new construction and re-roofing projects.

Approaching this strategically is crucial. Your estimates must comprehensively account for elements such as time, materials, subcontractors, equipment, risks, contingencies, and a suitable margin to ensure a successful start. If this aspect is mastered, and the other components of your business are also performing optimally, you can expect profitability to meet or even surpass your goals.

When handling large roof installations, it's essential to employ a skilled estimating team that grasps the fundamental components of a profitable estimating structure. There is no room for shortcuts when building an effective estimation process for large-scale projects.

One critical yet frequently neglected step is the smooth transition of the project from the office to the field team. Without proper coordination and handoff, before the project commences, you are likely to encounter an array of costly issues during the roof installation process.

I will guide you through the vital steps to create a successful estimating structure for your team and demonstrate how to effectively transfer this information to your operations team, setting the stage for complete project success.


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