Eliminating Language Barriers with Crews

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, February 7 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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Location: N249

Event Information

Title: Eliminating Language Barriers with Crews


Effective communication across a roofing business is essential to achieving successful project outcomes. But what happens if you have teams that are not speaking the same language? Language barriers, which are becoming increasingly common as more roofing companies hire native spanish-speaking crews, can introduce employers to a number of risks that are often overlooked.  When workers are not able to fully understand one another, a lot can go wrong—from simple missteps on the job site to more serious work-related accidents. In this session, we’ll discuss different ways contractors are breaking down language barriers and explore simple, technology-based solutions that can help improve team productivity and eliminate miscommunications that can lead to project delays or unexpected costs.



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