Latinos: The New Roofing Customer to Capture

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Originally Aired - Thursday, February 8 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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Location: N233

Event Information

Title: Latinos: The New Roofing Customer to Capture


In an industry where 30% of US contractors, 50% of US workers and 70% of US homeowner growth comes from the Latino market, one thing is certain: Latinos are a business growth opportunity for everyone in roofing. At Owens Corning, we want to best understand the emerging Latino market not only to capture this new roofing customer but to continue our leadership position in the roofing industry. We partnered with Black//Brown to use deep data and insights to develop a culture-forward strategy that could help us reach and serve Latino homeowners, contractors and installers authentically. Together we fielded a comprehensive custom study exploring the behaviors, drivers and other psychographics of Latino homeowners.



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