Energy Efficiency Mandates and the 2024 Energy Code

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, February 6 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

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Event Location

Location: Booth #3844

Event Information

Title: Energy Efficiency Mandates and the 2024 Energy Code


This session will feature a moderated panel discussion of new construction, remodeling, manufacturing, and consulting industry experts. The panel will discuss, energy efficiency and the impact of the new 2024 Energy Conservation Code, that sets minimum efficiency standards for a structure including walls, windows, doors, air leakage and what will it mean for exterior specialty contractors. What do they need to know about the changes, to properly educate their staff, installation crews and homeowners/customers. *Building energy codes establish minimum energy efficiency requirements for new construction and renovations. Increased levels of insulation, better windows, and other measures deliver energy and dollar savings year after year for the life of the building.


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