Fundamentals and Homeowner Behaviors Impacting Home Improvement

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, February 7 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

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Location: Booth #3844

Event Information

Title: Fundamentals and Homeowner Behaviors Impacting Home Improvement


Today’s building products environment is more competitive than we’ve seen in recent years, but opportunity remains. Company’s must understand the behaviors and attitudes of homeowners to better inform product, brand, channel, and marketing decisions that will lead to an increased share of sales.

In this session you will learn:

1.Identify which supply fundamentals are impacting the industry.
2. Identify how demand is impacting home building and home improvement
3. Recognize what challenges are homeowners facing
4.Determine how homeowners get information about products
5. Identify what project opportunities are in most demand


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