Turning Workforce Development into Dollars: Recruit, Train, Retain

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, February 6 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM

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Location: N234

Event Information

Title: Turning Workforce Development into Dollars: Recruit, Train, Retain


It’s almost exhausting to write that the industry is wrestling with workforce development. It’s been the preeminent struggle for some time now, and all the industry’s companies and organizations are doing their level best to solve the problem. NRCA is working to understand and appreciate these efforts and help to bring them to light, and serving its role as the industry’s non-proprietary nationwide resource. In and amongst all the good things going on around it, NRCA offers a scaffold on which to hang various initiatives. Join us to talk about industry efforts to identify, energize and recruit; onboard; train; and certify roofing employees into an increasingly professionalized career.


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